Do voters prefer gender stereotypic candidates? evidence from a
Por um escritor misterioso
PDF) Voter responses to female candidates' voice pitch: experimental evidence from Japan
Gender Essentialism and Responses to Candidates' Messages - Swigger - 2019 - Political Psychology - Wiley Online Library
The Perks of Being Female: Gender Stereotypes and Voters' Preferences in Brazil, Politics & Gender
The Effects of Counterstereotypic Gender Strategies on Candidate Evaluations
Determinants of vote choice. Figures show percentage point change in
Voters' evaluation of (contra-)prototypical political candidates. An experimental test of the interaction of candidate gender and policy positions cues in Flanders (Belgium) - ScienceDirect
Frontiers Threat, voting and candidate support. The impact of mortality salience
The potential impact of gender stereotypes on vote choice.
Do citizens make inferences from political candidate characteristics when aiming for substantive representation? - ScienceDirect
The Importance of Candidate Sex and Partisan Preference over Time: A Multiday Study of Voter Decision Making
The Contingent Effects of Candidate Sex on Voter Choice
Shifting Standards: How Voters Evaluate the Qualifications of Female and Male Candidates
There is much less gender bias against women candidates than election-year anecdotes would have us believe
How candidate characteristics affect favorability in European Parliament elections: Evidence from a conjoint experiment in Finland - Henrik S Christensen, Marco S La Rosa, Kimmo Grönlund, 2020