ISEG Business Club
Por um escritor misterioso
ISEG Business Club is an association from and for ISEG's students.
Its primary goal is to further connect students to the job market and to prepare them for the future engagements in the workplace.
To achieve this goal and to maximize student's learning and experience, we have a newsletter, we plan debates, workshops and events that help
shape and develop minds for the ever-growing challenges of today's business and corporate reality.
ISEG Business Club's members have the drive and capabilities to deliver quality content and organize interesting and impactful events in the area of employability, soft skills and critical thinking that will make ISEG's students strive for excellence.
ISEG Business Club
Francisco José da Silva Lopes - President - ISEG Business Club
Student Associations and Clubs - ISEG
Institut supérieur européen de gestion group - Wikipedia
ISEG e Columbia arrancam com 2ª edição de programa internacional
Leituras do Quelhas – ISEG Business Club
Os Mercados em Janeiro - Contributo para o ISEG Business Club
ISEG Business Club – From and for ISEG's students
ISEG Business Club
L'avenir a déjà commencé
ISEG - Lisboa School of Economics & Management - Crunchbase School
ISEG Business Club – From and for ISEG's students