BEST OF REDDIT /r/leagueoflegends League Community Montage Pt. 2
Por um escritor misterioso
This is what you have been missing since the last onesong: Victor Ohlsson - Fragile Power 3PS: I am currently looking for high Dia/Master/Challenger playe

Who Is Solarbacca? Challenger GP Montage : r/leagueoflegends

Five, PentaKill Montage, League of Legends

Best of Reddit 5, /r/leagueoflegends Community Montage

DK vs T1 was the most watched regular season LCK game in history. (802K viewers) : r/leagueoflegends

The state of matchmaking for SoloQ players and the premade lobbies : r/ leagueoflegends

Made this after Drakos recommended this song for the Worlds video earlier today in Caedrels stream. First time editing video, but I think it conveys his point. : r/leagueoflegends

Some Sett clips I put together : r/leagueoflegends

Tyler1 on ADCs : r/leagueoflegends

A look back at old Graves : r/leagueoflegends
malphite banana combo #lol #malphite #leaguetok#faker#akali#leagueofle, Malphite League Of Legends

Tier List, 2v2v2v2 Arena Compositions, and why this is the best game mode ever added : r/leagueoflegends

Is ADC Ash underrated? I mean people rarely pick her up and I was like Damn, why isn't she popular Shes good, I'm at top200 with her btw. So, how about we

2009 - 2013 League was different. : r/LeagueOfMemes

Azir's pickrate skyrocketed after Faker's performance in JDG vs T1 causing Azir's winrate to plummet : r/leagueoflegends

Aphelios montage showcasing all five weapons! : r/leagueoflegends